18 December 2009

Week In Alabama

Spent this week at my sister's house with her really cute family!!!! Look at my neices: Katie (6 yrs in January!), Megan (3), & Peyton (20 months). It was an awesome week though everyone who never calls me needed me this week ;-) lol... even got a call from my hairdresser who was worried because she hadn't seen me since May! lol...

After church on Sunday, the family had a pic with their Santa in the front yard. Aren't my sister and her family the cutest???

Then we went to dance class on Monday night for visitor's class. This is Megan's tap dance!

Then, it was Katie's turn. This was her round-off!


This was Katie's school party... Guess who played Santa???? ;-) (Nathan!!) Had lots of other fun this week! Miss you all!!!! Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

26 February 2009

My album cover - Beautiful Illusions, "He Has Never Known Fear"

1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit "random"or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to "Random quotations"or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”or click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.

5 - Post this text in a blog under you album so your friends can try it out too! :-D

29 January 2009

Blogging in Word 2007

Thanks to Word 2007, I can now create and post blogs straight from the word processor.

Los gracias a la palabra 2007, puedo ahora crear y plantear blogs derecho del procesador de textos.

05 January 2009

I guess it's finally time...

to catch up on some old posts! lol... Been kinda tired lately. Funny how you can be so excited to do something and then... don't care! ;-) lol.... but I do. I'm finally back at school. Classes start tomorrow :-P. I'm not terribly excited. Still, it's ok. I've spent the last two days reading a book trilogy I really can't wait to finish. But I guess I have to wait til Paige brings me the third book tomorrow :-P. lol... but enough of that. It's time to post! (about Christmas, etc. DUH!) ;-)

Ok... so December 20th, I got up early, mailed a package at the post office. and (with a few things in between) headed to meet my high school buds at wal-mart to go to Ihop for... brunch? We have an annual tradition to meet somewhere for Thanksgiving and draw names and then meet for Christmas and exchange. It's fun! Means we see each other at least twice a year! lol.... so anyway, starting last year we decided to do themes. It makes it easier to shop & just as enjoyable. Last year, we all bought t-shirts from our school. This year, we decided on scarves. In the crafty spirit this year, I decided to make mine. I mean it's not that hard right. I wasn't planning on knitting or crocheting (mostly cause I don't know how despite I've been taught to crochet probably 5 times. I just never remember after the initial lesson :-P lol). I was really excited about the way my scarf turned out actually. Just nervous my friend Paige wouldn't like it. It looked more like a SHana scarf to me and I was sad I hadn't found the color scheme I'd been hoping for in my limited selection of Wal-mart fleece. But here it is none the less.

Cute as could me if I do say so myself ;-). And Paige luvs it (at least she says so) & her mom complimented me on it as well. I'm glad. Though the worse part was the tassels. My poor blistered fingers couldn't even open the well taped box Brittany gave my scarf to me in. But it faded quickly & was hardly noticeable the next day.

Camilla & Brittany modeling there new scarves. (stolen from facebook ;-) Thanx Shana)

Paige, me, and Shana with our new scarves! What a great brunch we had! It was so much fun!

AFterward, I took off for Alabama to my sister's family! (MOre on that later. I suspect they'll be a few catch up posts). The rain was horrid though and made the drive long. But the end result was worth it and thankfully I made it safely! :-D