12 October 2011

It's Been A Long Time....

Ok.... so I'm not sure if anyone will even read this. I'm not sure if it'll be another year or so before I post again or not. However, here I am. So I thought I'd post. Despite the fact that this blog needs a total makeover, it will not happen tonight. However, much has happened since my last carefree single trip to my sister's in my last post. Last April I went on my first date with the man I will spend eternity with. Then, in August after traveling with him and my sister's family for a week (stopping at various tourist attractions along the way) to my brother's wedding in Texas, I went to Disney World: to live, to work, and to play. My dear husband-to-be however was not thrilled I was hours away and Disney will forever now be the "other man" in our relationship. :-/ lol... But fortunately for him, I questioned my motives and returned home early. We pushed up the date and married for time and all eternity in the Nashville Tennessee Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on 30 October 2010 (Halloween was on Sun.). We have had many memorable moments since then including a week vacation (for an official honeymoon) over spring break to Nauvoo, IL and other various church sites. Now, we are looking forward to closing on our first house on friday and moving on sat. If you're lucky, I might find time and room in our new house to try really blogging again. Or maybe if you're not so lucky. Until then, enjoy the bliss of other bloggers! :-)